BP70 – Concealed 2-Way Mixer

SKU BP73201 Category Tag




Polished Chrome
Concealed Shower Mixers

This 2-Way concealed mixer is made out of solid brass material. The inside mechanism is made out of solid brass fittings which is also covered up with a hard plastic protective covering case. The diverter will switch from one feature to another depending on clients’ specification.


This product eliminates the diverer completely as it is embedded into the handle. The handle controls the temperature control and is also the diverter for both water options. When the handle is turned to the left it triggers one of the water outlets attached to the mixer. The handle starts off with cold temperature and shifting the handle to the left will further add more hot water. Similary for the second feature attached; once the handle is shifted to the right water starts on cold and increases the hot water according to the user’s preference.


This mixer goes well with the

  • BP70 range – Senglea
  • BP74 range – Vittoriosa
  • BP25 range – Lapsi
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